This tutorial takes elements from the manual provided with this exclusive coiner.
The comparator coin changer works by comparing the inserted coin with the so-called "witness" coin permanently installed in the coin changer. The coin acceptor analyzes the electronic signature of the inserted coin and compares it with the electronic signature of the reference coin.
If the inserted coin has a signature close to the witness coin, the coin is accepted, otherwise the coin is rejected. When a coin is accepted, the coin acceptor generates an electric pulse to the Raspberry Pi.
This impulse is recognized by Recalbox (button SELECT
) and a game credit is then granted to the player.
It is possible to use metal tokens ("token") instead of coins.
Very simple to make, based on four wires:
button under Recalbox.Must be done through a "relay" !
As you can see, the use of this coin acceptor with a Raspberry Pi requires the use of an intermediate electronic component called "relay" or "keyboard hack" for the purists.
Here is a low cost solution to build this "keyboard hack" yourself.
Don't hesitate to test your board BEFORE connecting it to your Raspberry and your coin acceptor !
The wiring of the coin acceptor with a Raspberry Pi requires the installation of this "keyboard hack" BETWEEN the coin acceptor AND the GPIO of your Raspberry Pi.
The 2 pins of the "Terminal Block 1" are to be connected:
The 2 pins of the " terminal block 2 " are to be connected :
button).Refer to the documentation specific to your model to identify the Raspberry Pi GPIO connector and the position of the " GND " and " GPIOxx " pins within this connector.